Of course, it went well. (1/100)

That went well yesterday. There are some habits I want to establish in my everyday life, and I started up (again) yesterday with a few of them. My plan is to take on the 100-day challenge for the following:

  • close all rings on my Apple Watch
  • read 10 pages
  • write 750 words
  • publish a post on my blog and Twitter

There were a few more I wanted to add, but I was like, forget it! If I add any more, I’d just be setting myself up for failure. I know it. I have this tendency to be overly optimistic and overpack my day with all these things I’m going to accomplish. I don’t know how I’m so clueless and not very self-aware. I truly believe each day that I can do so much, and most of the time, I can’t.

But yesterday I did good!

I attended my daily writing group at seven o’clock in the morning and got started on a draft for a blog post that I finished posted on my blog after dropping off the kids at school.

I went for a 20-minute walk with my daughter after lunch, then I also worked out in the evening after dinner. Those activities closed the three rings on my watch. Woohoo! Can’t remember the last time that happened.

I wrote some more in the evening to get my 750 words in. It was a combination of a brain dump and a daily review. I felt excellent after I finished.

But that was just Day 1. It’s just the beginning…