Finding friends beyond the fear.

One big change in my world lately, besides the restrictions enforced during the COVID pandemic, is that I’ve had more time to work on myself now that my little ones are both old enough to attend school. Just in the last year, I’ve taken online courses on writing, online business platforms, productivity, and learning new […]

Deliberate Practice to Cure the Chaos

Do you ever just want to feel productive at the end of the day but it’s just not happening? Do you always seem to feel that you didn’t get the important things done and you still have a list that has a bunch of to-dos you didn’t get around to? Again? Just like yesterday maybe? […]

Why do you not get along with your dad?

— A Frequently Asked Question about me. I find myself the accidental nonconformist, though the events that have led to that were not quite an accident. It all started with just plain intentional rebellion as a young child. I wanted to break free from a father’s strict grip on my life and my being. My […]