Minimalism starts from mayhem.

What does minimalism look like for one with many children in the household? Is that even possible? Or am I talking about clutter? I guess I can be clutter-free, but not necessarily a minimalist. I think I’ll have to look into the concept of minimalism more.

What would significantly serve me is not having toys, games, pillow forts, and princess castles strewn all over the house right now. I also need to get around to those bins of newly-washed clothes in the hallway, just waiting to be folded.

I could definitely give my house a makeover, specifically the kids’ toy room. That place looks like Santa Claus’s toy factory blew up in there! There is no room to walk around. We need to kick toys aside if we want to retrieve anything farther than the door. There are more toys and books on the floor and table than there are on the shelves.

I haven’t come up with the nerve to dive in there and just clear out the damn room in one go. I know it’s going to take up a whole day, but I need to do it. No one else is going to do it! And even if my husband decides to do it, he’s going to end up throwing away half of the kids’ stuff, which may not be a terrible thing. It will just break my heart if the kids try to look for a toy that their dad has already thrown out. It’s happened before, and it was pretty distressing.

The chaos in that room has affected my energy at home. It’s a constant reminder for me to get my shit together in so many areas in my life. If I start there, in that mayhem, and conquer it, it may be the start of my minimalism journey.