Dennis, Dennis, bo Dennis…

I had a friend of mine who died of cancer last week. I’d only hung out with him in my first year in university, for two semesters and a summer, but we’ve stayed in touch all these years. We were a group of 16, 17-year-olds, brought together as our freshman co-ed college dormitory got broken […]

Daily wins I can guarantee.

Ryan Holiday, book author and a huge follower of Stoicism, said something on his Instagram that got to me the other day. He talked about getting a win each day over things you can control, such as working out, going out for a walk or run, or doing something physical that makes you feel good […]

What’s Easter again?

I need to look up what Easter Sunday means again. For me this year, it involved two Easter egg hunts and a visit from my father-in-law. There were a couple of Happy Easter (!) greetings from family and friends which made me hesitant to say it back without really knowing what I was celebrating or […]