Think less, do more.

I have three online courses finishing up at the end of the month, including Ship 30 for 30. I am exhausted. My brain is tired. And I just want to sleep more.

I’ve been in simultaneous cohort-based courses since late February, and it’s time for me to take a break from all this damn learning. Next month, I’m going to work on applying what I’ve studied – everything from writing to productivity using Notion.

I’m already psyching myself into believing August will be a productive month for me. The little ones will be back in school soon, giving me more time to work on my projects.

I want to expand this long essay I hope to finish next week, possibly turn into a memoir. Another project I want to set up is my personal system for information management, capture workflow, and project completion.

Before I begin, I know I have to plan ahead and develop strategies to fight my inner monsters. They like to trip me up when I want to do anything big and scary. I just need to make friends with the damn demons and maybe they’ll play nice.