Just a little better at sleep. (5/100)

Even though I lacked a lot of sleep, I made it through the day with all my writing goals and closed all my Activity rings on my watch.

My schedule of working out at night seems to work well with me. Last year, I worked out with my eldest daughter 4 times a week over Zoom at three o’clock in the afternoon for three months. It was perfect that we were each other’s accountability partners. We got through the entire 3-month program, barely missing any days. But I felt like it cut into my focus work in the afternoon and made my days a lot shorter. We’d chat for a bit after the workout then I would make dinner. After dinner was family time, followed by the little ones’ bedtime. By the end of the evening, my brain was too exhausted to get any inspired work done.

On my own, I’ve tried working out an hour before lunch, but I didn’t like that either because it would interrupt my flow in the morning, which is when my creativity and ability to focus are at their peak.

The goals I’m now focusing on are getting to bed earlier and writing and reading in the mornings. I thought this challenge would start off east, but I was mistaken. There have been a few learning humps, and I guess those are all just part of the process.