School or no school?

The kids are in summer school/preschool at their school but we still don’t know of any plans for the regular school year starting in mid-August. There’s a part of me that’s hoping they just do online-only distance learning full time even though I know it’s going to drive me fucking nuts.

The little eggs were both home full time since their last day at school on Friday, the 13th of March. For three and a half months before they went back to school part-time first week of July, it was such a stressful, daily challenge figuring out what activities to fill their days that didn’t involve screen time and TV. We also had to stick to a strict schedule every weekday, as if they were still going to school. I know they both aren’t even in Kindergarten yet but I didn’t want their brains to go blah. It was hard. I actually looked forward to the weekends like I was still working outside the home. It was that exhausting and stressful. Or worse maybe even. Being on the job as a mother and teacher practically 24/7 was pretty tough. I was especially glad I had my older daughter Pooka to help me out with their homeschooling and playing with them outside, to get them out of the house, keep them preoccupied, and not “bored,” as they complained every now and then when they just wanted to watch Netflix.

I don’t really know if I want to go through that crap again but I think I’d rather do that then go through more risk of exposing them to COVID. It is so hard to even figure out where to start with making the decision.