My mind sees better in lines.

I read a quote this morning: ” Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have 24-hour days.”

And it finally clicked for me.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to get all of these dreamy, up-in-the-air goals into reality and my first action, as always, was to write it down, hoping it would start to make sense to me – where to start, what to do first, what are all the things that need to get done to finish this project, and then also do that other project and another, because my life has a multitude of areas I want to work on besides the main job of taking care of two kids under the age of five.

So I have lists of projects with sublists and tasks with subtasks, and I know it’s best to schedule the tasks after figuring out the order of them. And this is where it gets screwy for me. What I picture in my head are many, many clusters of little dark bees, just hovering and staying inside their circle, keeping to their own group.

And I just can’t.

I’m not sure which huddle to work on first and if decide that, I get stuck with what bee to start. I am paralyzed! So I just resort to being busy (like a bee, but with much less intention) doing just a little of everything here and there and when enough time has passed, I think I deserve a break and get on the Internet and continue watching some show I like. Not very productive at all!

But now with this direction quote thing, I picture a long, vertical line dotted with tasks and milestones with arrows pointing to the right, indicating THAT way. You know… the way to the finish line. Wow. This is me. This is how I finally get it.

Vertical wins vs list, vs cluster.