2019 Halftime

Okay, the second half is about to start. What have I fucked up in the first half and what can I do better in the last? Well, practically everything really.

I kicked off some habits that could be more grounded and set in place.I’ve been exercising, drinking water, doing my own version of yoga, meditating… I’ve also been doing really well with the daily planning and journaling. I do miss a few days here and there but I’ve written every single day in each of the little kids’ One Line a Day books. I started on September 1st, in 2017, filling up the books with the kids’ silly and/or annoying stuff they do every day. I’ll sometimes go for a few days not doing it (too sleepy at the end of the day) so I’ll have to make it up and try to remember what the heck went on days ago. I go through my photos on my phone to help jog my memory. I’m usually taking pics of them and the stuff they do anyway, so that really helps me to figure what we did when.

What I’d really like to work on much more these next few months is my web developer study. I want to finish my projects on Udacity and on Skillcrush. I also want to finish the free Watch and Code course which is really good. Then I’ll put together all my projects and upload to Git and profile my work on my .dev website that still needs setting up. So much to do still on this one!

Another big umbrella of a project is Home Organization. This is huge and I shun even from the thought of this overwhelming undertaking. We moved into our home in February last year and I still have some plastic bins to go through to either put away or get rid of (i.e. throw out, sell, give away). Bins! These are all my personal items that nobody else needs or know about so they’ve gotten away with not being touched for this long. There are some in the tool shed, quite a few in my husband’s office next door, a couple more hiding in the family room cabinet and just a bit more in the laundry room as well. It’s all everywhere and still there for over a year. After sorting through everything, I want to categorize what’s left and keep the same items together, nicely and neatly, so they’ll be easy to find and put back after use.

I also have this blogging project that’s been looming over me for a very long time. I can’t decide on domain names (I currently have 9 with only this site active). I have too many ideas on what I could talk about, do, and share. It’s just crazy and ridiculous. I’m in this analysis-paralysis conundrum and, honestly, not just with blog ideas. Yes, I am exhausting.

One other big thing I’d like to accomplish by the end of the year is get into better shape and I literally mean shape. I’d like to work on my, let’s call it, “silhouette.” It’s a little blipty-bloopty-blah here and there, and around everywhere… No need to get into details though I do have “before” (current) pictures ready to compare with the “after” pics that will hopefully come around very soon, like before summer ends, PLEASE.

I feel like I really should’ve stuck to three big projects instead of four but I’ll start with these for now and see how it goes.