Relax, January’s for prepping.

I learned something new today that will be very valuable for my well-being. The month of January is for tying up loose ends and preparing for the rest of the year.

All these years, I’ve been stuck thinking I had to be up and ready by January 1st of every year to achieve something. I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, but I am all for fresh starts. I like the idea of a brand-spanking-new year, a possible new me, bolting from the starting line on New Year’s Day to crush my projects and master new habits.

I don’t think I’ve ever achieved anything extraordinary in January.

Such a big bunch of bullshit I’ve been led to believe about being ready on that very first day of the year! How did I even think that was possible? I planned my entire following year in between eating leftover Christmas food and hanging out with my family?

Yes, there’s a whole week in between Christmas and New Year’s, but those days have never been productive for me. For eating, maybe. Or sleeping in and vegging out all day. But nothing that has to do with strict focus, introspecting, and planning. Please. I barely know what day it is around the holidays!

So yah. Not sweating anything this month. I’ll do some thinking, reviewing, and planning, but no severe battles until February. Or March.