Video call = visiting family.

There are two things I didn’t get around to doing today: watch football and fold laundry. I was supposed to do those two activities together. Still, I did other things like making lunch, hanging out with family, and napping all afternoon.

It was great!

I may not have been productive the way I planned to be, but I’d say it was a good, relaxing day. And then, after dinner, I spent over two hours on a video call with my dad, brother, and sister in the Philippines. Hadn’t done that in a while, and it was great to catch up with them face to face instead of the usual text messages. So fun!

Lately, I’ve been wondering when I’ll see them again. The last time I visited was in February 2019. My kids and I surprised my dad for his 75th birthday, showing up the day before his big bash. I hadn’t realized it was his 75th when I called to greet him until he mentioned his party the following weekend. What party?? Oh. You’re 75th birthday party! Right…

After we hung up, I booked four tickets for the Philippines. We flew out two days later, getting there on the Friday before his birthday weekend celebration. My dad was so surprised to see me jump out of my sister’s car to give him a hug! Then he was even more surprised (and delighted!) to see I’d dragged three of my four junior monsters with me. Best birthday present ever!

Maybe next year we’ll go again? I don’t know. I just know it won’t be before I can get my two little ones vaccinated against COVID. Sending them to school is the only risk I can handle right now.