Safety before school, or?

My kids started school almost two weeks ago, and I was really apprehensive about them getting COVID, especially with the more terrifying Delta variant.

Last school year, the classes were made up of only about 10-11 kids. Everyone had to wear masks at all times (except while eating outdoors). The children weren’t allowed to intermingle with other class groups or pods during recess hours, and rapid antigen COVID tests were conducted twice a week for each student.

They eased up on the restrictions this school year, possibly with the vaccination rate going up here in California. There are now 23 students in my kids’ class (they’re together in the same one), masks were only required indoors, and all kids were allowed to play with everyone else during recess WITHOUT MASKS. And no more scheduled testings.

I panicked and wrote a letter to the principal and school district superintendent the night before their first day of school to express my concerns. I was most distressed about not requiring masks at all times. That didn’t make sense to me at all! Like what the fuck (I didn’t state this in the email).

Of course, my kind and well-thought-out email was acknowledged. And, of course, that didn’t change anything. I didn’t expect it to; I just wanted to add one more voice to the cause in case other parents were uneasy about the lowered restrictions at school.

I instructed my kids to still wear their masks at all times, even while outdoors. I clearly explained to them how important it was to do so. I added that they may be the only ones who’d be wearing masks outside and that they shouldn’t care. Thankfully, they complied.

But this week, after seven days of school, an email announcement was sent out regarding a significant change in rules — masks are now required at ALL TIMES during school hours. Woohoo!

I am so relieved. I’m still cautious and paranoid, but I’m managing the days better. I’m just looking forward to when a COVID vaccination can be given to my little eggs, and I can stop imagining the worst.