Drowning in productivity apps and crap.

I’ve taken a few productivity courses and classes on how to use some note-taking apps for the past year, but I feel like I still have ways to go to perfect my knowledge management system.

Right now, I have information everywhere. I’m not kidding. If you spit out a name for any app for tasks, project management, or notes out there, I most likely have tried it and have left behind some poor, lonely data there.

I’m a sucker for checking out new apps. I got that tendency from reading Tech Crunch online back in the 2000s when it was the prime source to get information on all the latest tech companies here in Silicon Valley. Whatever new app a company made, I signed up for it and tried it out.

Now I’m forcefully sticking to at least one to-do app, TickTick. I was on Things 3 for a couple of years, then I tried TickTick for a while. A few months later, I went back to Things, and now I’m on TickTick again. It’s nuts, but I’m trying things out.

I also have articles and notes saved in Evernote since 2009. Then I also have quick notes in Google Keep, Roam, Bear, Drafts, Workflowy, and most of my writing is done in Ulysses.

Currently, I’m trying to make Notion work for me as my dominant second brain. I’m not sure if I’m ready to migrate my daily tasks over. I’m still trying to figure it out with all this chaos in my head. Get out, mess!

My goal is to figure out a workflow, some system, that works for me by the end of these 30 days and post my progress. Hopefully, it will be significant.