Busy, happy, tired, and DONE.

It’s almost the end of another month, but this time I can say (and remember!) how much I got done this past month!

I’ve published one written piece a day on Twitter and my blog since April 5th (25 articles).

I’ve attended my writing group every morning at seven o’clock since March 4th, except weekends, until March 21st, when we started meeting on Sundays as well (47 sessions).

I’ve written over 750 words a day on 750words.com every day since March 27th, except for April 7th, 8th, and 10th, when we went camping (I just forgot). 

I’ve also tracked my daily pushups and reading since March 15. I missed quite a few days on my reading habit (>10). I need a new strategy to do this better and get it done.  But I only missed three days for pushups. I’ve ranged from 3 to 21 pushups a day in a month and a half. Not bad. 

I started with doing three pushups after each time I washed my hands when I used the bathroom. I got this idea from BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits book. Then I got better at remembering to do them when I added another habit before the pushups.  

So now, immediately after I wash my hands and dry them, I put my right palm over my heart and look myself in the eye in the bathroom mirror and say, “I love you.” Sometimes I do it with a silly smile, sometimes I say it with more conviction, almost daring me to prove me wrong. But I say it, and I’m starting to believe it. 

It’s been an excellent month. I plan to do better in May — get more workouts in and the reading more consistent. Another thing I could work on is getting to bed earlier. Like two hours earlier. 

Oh yes, and go back to more cooking and cleaning again. I’ve slightly neglected the family and home this past month. Oops. 

I like living here, and I don’t want to get kicked out.