Accumulation of good little things.

I haven’t lost or gained weight really in the past six months since quarantine started. I have worked out a lot though and my body has lost a lot of fat and I have gained some muscle. I wish I had measured my body, instead of just my weight, so I’d be able to tell the difference better. I do feel better. I look better. And I can finally do a regular pushup, and not just one. I think I can do at least five in a row. Never before was I able to finish even one. I’d make it down, but then couldn’t come back up, no matter how hard I tried. I didn’t even know what muscles to use to do a pushup. All I knew was that I couldn’t do one.

But now I do two, each and every time after I used the bathroom. This is an idea I got from reading the book Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg a couple of months ago. It’s a great book. I’ve been able to stick to a few habits with the help of his work. I’d definitely recommend reading it.

I want to read it again to get a more solid perspective of his teachings. Besides, the pushups, I’ve also been flossing and doing my skin care routine daily after dinner. My morning routine has gotten more structured and I’ve been waking up a lot earlier again. There’s so much more I want to systemize so my days goes through a strict routine and I get a lot more done. Less decision-making involved, increased productivity and creation.