This was an ordinary day, once.

We all went out to dinner tonight, my husband and me with the three kids. It was our first time dining out as a family again. We got there early, a few minutes before five in the afternoon, choosing to eat outdoors on the restaurant’s lawn in the back. It was a bright, warm, sunny […]

Your best sucked. So what?

I heard a woman bring up the question of how to like their past self. She said she’s been focused on her present and her future self, but feels the need to look into her past and learn to like herself back then because she currently does not. I thought about that, and it resonated […]

Marie-Kondo your friends.

I cleaned up my list of Facebook friends a few days ago. The first to go were people I didn’t talk to anymore or never once said anything to me, ever since they added me. I know I wasn’t the one that added them because I’d only added people I’d recently met unless we were […]

My Mom-ments kept me sane.

When my two little ones were baby and toddler age, it was so easy to get caught up with taking care of everything and everyone else before myself. By the time the day came to an end, I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and worried about the other stuff I didn’t get to. But I did get […]

That time I… tried coffee again.

I haven’t had coffee since 2017. I can’t even say what month I stopped. It just happened gradually. I’ve taken a sip at a time from my husband’s cup when he makes me try something, but no, I haven’t had my own cup in four years. Until last night.  I bought my husband that concentrated […]

Doorman to the Feline Divine

When I am in my office, I am the cat doorman. I keep the door closed so I feel a sense of privacy and keep the heat in when it’s chilly, but I always have to let the cats in and out of the room whenever they please. I think I’m going to start counting […]

Brain on fire, body dead-tired.

I didn’t do what I was supposed to last weekend. I was supposed to watch one move, relax, and take it easy. I did everything but. I spent the weekend cleaning up my digital life as much as possible and tried to catch up on a few coursework. I ran some errands on Saturday morning […]

Mom-a-Lot, I am

Every time I was asked for my job title, for the last six years, I wasn’t sure what to say. I never liked the term “stay-at-home-mom.” It sounds so boring. I like saying “mom-a-lot” more. I feel this phrase captures the frenzy and mess a mom goes through every day while taking care of young […]

Do midnight naps + afternoon naps work?

Just realized this morning that I can produce creative work late at night, even though the wee hours of the morning (3 am)! I thought my creativity only peaked earlier in the day, sometimes even as early as four o’clock in the morning. I’ve been an early riser since my teenage years. I rarely use […]

Extreme productivity, here I come!

Today has been a mad scramble to get my digital crap together in time for the Building a Second Brain (BASB) course starting on Wednesday next week. This will be my second time attending the program, and I’m so excited to do it again! I took BASB 11 last September and it was overwhelming for […]